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外国人観光客用化粧品購買代行サービスサイト |
How to order items/Quantity: When we receive Traveller's email, we will send our "Advance Purchase item Order Form" by email.
How to identify cosmetic items by Traveller: please refer to each brands Web Catalog and write in Exel Order Form for "cosmetic item name in Japanese or English"/"product code"/"Required Qty". Our Sales Price is nearly 80-85% of Maker's List Price in Duty Free. Detail Price List will be supplied by email by case Traveller order timing: 12-15 days from Traveller's arrival day to Tokyo Area(Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba, Saitama) Payment: Credit Card (Visa or Master) [Note:China main credit cards are in preparation now] |
One of the Big Skincare Toiletry products makers in Japan. Brands: Biore, Biore u, Merit, Essencial, Asience, Segreta, Cape, Liese, Prettia, Braune, FLAIR, Lorier, SUCCESS, Clear Clean, Pyuola, BUB, MEGRISM, NIVEA, Curel, etc.
Big Hit TSUBAKI Haircares, SENKA Facial cares, Hadasui, KUYURA, Perfect Bubble, Hand Soap, SEA BREEZE, Men's Care Naturugo, Prepare Haircare Tools
Hair Coloring Variety: Beauteen Milky Haircolor, BeautyLabo Whip Haircolor, CIELO Haircolor/hair manicure, Bigen Haircares, Men's Bigen Haircares, etc
Our Handling Variety: Naive Total cares, ICHIKAMI haircares, HIMAWARI, Pro Style Haircares, SIMPRO, SILK, AROMA RESORT, HADA SHUKAN, HADABISEI, MOISTAGE, NACHULULU, Epilat Haircares
Make Up Cosmetic specialist : Heroine Make, Heavy Rotation, SUNKILLER(BC), Lifetiv, Mommy, Nail Parlor
Eye Makeup Specialist Maker: Dolly Wink, Charming Kiss, Nail Art Seal,Dream Magic, Spring Heart, Lash Concieerge, Takako Style Eyelash, EyeTalk, EyeTape,etc
Softymo Total Skincares, Je Laime Haircares,Salon Style Total Haircares, Loveruss, Hada Rizumu, GRACE ONE Skincares, Moisture Milk White, HYALO CHARGE, CLEAR TURN Lotion Mask, Savon de Bouquet, Precious Garden, Rose of Heaven, Coen Rich, Suncut, etc.
Our Handling Variety : Mandom, Gatsby Hair Styler, LUCIDO, LUCIDO L(for lady), Bifesta, Barrier Repair, Baby Veil, Simplity, Treatia, Baby Veil
Under Preparation
Large Total skincare maker: Hadalabo (Gokujyun, Shirojyun, Gokujyun alpha, Tamagohada), Mentholatum Series, 50Megumi, OXY, SEBA MED, Acnes, ACNEGIA, Deep Moist Lipcream, Water Lip, Skin Aqua, Orezo and Several Eyedrops
Many Variety of Skincares : Total Skincares = Nameraka Hompo Series, Good Aging, Ntural Resource, HADANOMY,SUPERLIFT, Estiney, Body Refining, Scalp, Pore Putty, COVERCOM, EXLASH, Morning Kiss, Make Essence, SUPER QUICK, New Born, POWER STYLE, EYE concious, Kaori Honoka, etc.
2015 Meishoku Skincare Makers : DET Clear,Moist Lab, Meishoku Organic Rose, Seasons, celacolla, Placewhiter